Eucharist Stained Glass Panels, Curved Top, Stand

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On Corpus Christi Sunday 2022 the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will begin the National Eucharistic Revival. Thus, when Brother Mark Floreanini, O.S.B., was looking for an idea for a new series of stained glass, he chose the Eucharist.The new windows incorporate some hand letter and hand painted details in addition to the work on the glass. The curved designs are meant to be displayed in a stand. These panels are 8 by 11 inches. The panels feature the Eucharist and the Chalice and the letters IHS, which represent Jesus. The letters IHS represent the Latin alphabetic translation of the Greek letters iota, eta and sigma, which are a contraction of the Greek word for Jesus.

Sku: APRG20 Category: Religious Gifts

7 in stock


On Corpus Christi Sunday 2022 the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will begin the National Eucharistic Revival. The revival is aimed at inviting Catholics to return to the source and summit of their faith, Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. This effort is aimed at restoring understanding and devotion to the Eucharist. Thus, when Brother Mark Floreanini, O.S.B., was looking for an idea for a new series of stained glass, he chose the Eucharist.

An associate professor of art at Saint Vincent College and a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Brother Mark has a master of fine arts degree from Savannah Collee of Art and Design, a master of arts degree from Saint Vincent Seminary and a bachelor of arts degree from Saint Vincent College. He has been working in stained glass for many years and recently concluded a successful multi-year project to incorporate stained glass from the Basilica clerestory windows into a series of crosses that use both old and new glass.

The new panels also incorporate some hand letter and hand painted details in addition to the work on the glass.  The curved designs are meant to be displayed in a stand, which is included. These are 8 by 11 inches. The panels feature the Eucharist and the Chalice and the letters IHS, which represent Jesus. The letters IHS represent the Latin alphabetic translation of the Greek letters iota, eta and sigma, which are a contraction of the Greek word for Jesus.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 4 × 9 in