Father Thomas Acklin’s analysis of present-day challenges to authentic priestly life and ministry is based on solid scriptural and Christian anthropological foundations, and is reflective of the great insights of Pope John Paul II.
A true understanding and appreciation of the unchanging heart of the priesthood as a manifestation of the self-giving life and ministry of Christ the Servant and Priest will attract priestly vocations, help priestly renewal, and ultimately invigorate the Church.
The book contains candid descriptions of the priesthood. A must read for all priests seeking personal holiness and effectiveness in ministry.
Other books include The Passion of the Lamb. He is the co-author with Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., of Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love, published in 2017 and Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love, published in 2020. He has helped countless individuals throughout many years by his work as a priest, teacher, spiritual director and psychoanalyst.
Softcover. 180 pages.
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