Flowers in the Desert: A Spirituality of the Bible

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Father Demetrius Dumm opens the door to the deep message the bible conveys to individual Christians today. Putting aside for a moment questions of doctrine or historical interpretation, it concentrates on the spiritual teaching of the Old and New Testaments. It begins with God’s call to humanity and to each of us individually. Then it considers the human adventure of our journey through life. Finally it looks at our ultimate homecoming to the Father.

The many references to biblical passages and daily life make this an invaluable book for those who want to know about the bible—but even more, who want to live it.

Now in its third printing!

Sku: APBO14 Category: Demetrius Dumm

1987 in stock


The bible is, above all other things, a record of God’s love for the human race. In its words and through its stories God reveals himself and calls those who hear the word into communion with him.

When we first approach the bible, however, we encounter a variety of literary styles—histories, poetry, sagas, moral advice anad visionary productions. There is often a problem of discerning the simple theme of call-and-response in all these styles, or of finding a connection in the bible to our 20th century existence.

Father Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B., opens the door to the deep message the bible conveys to individual Christians today. Putting aside for a moment questions of doctrine or historical interpretation, it concentrates on the spiritual teaching of the Old and New Testaments. It begins with God’s call to humanity and to each of us individually. Then it considers the human adventure of our journey through life. Finally it looks at our ultimate homecoming to the Father.

The many references to biblical passages and daily life make this an invaluable book for those who want to know about the bible—but even more, who want to live it.

Now in its third printing!

Father Demetrius was the author of So We Do Not Lose Heart: Biblical Wisdom for All Our Days; Flowers in the Desert: A Spirituality of the Bible; Cherish Christ Above All: The Bible in the Rule of BenedictCherish Christ Above All: The Bible in the Rule of Benedict; A Mystical Portrait of Jesus: New Perspectives on John’s Gospel; and Praying the Scriptures. He also co-authored, with Father Campion Gavaler, O.S.B., The Sunday Homilies, Saint Vincent Archabbey: Cycle A; The Sunday Homilies, Saint Vincent Archabbey, Cycle B; and The Sunday Homilies, Saint Vincent Archabbey, Cycle C. The books were based on the long-running Sunday Homily column that Father Campion and Father Demetrius co-wrote of the Archabbey website, 

Softcover. 176 pages. 


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5.25 × .5 in


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